
Stacy W.

今天早上我做了乳房活检,非常紧张. Stacy was the nurse and she was excellent at making sure I knew what was happening, 工作效率很高,而且很有爱心. 我对这次约会的进展感到非常满意. 再次谢谢你,史黛西

By: Janet K.

Guadalupe M.

瓜达卢佩在电话里很和蔼,很有耐心. She went above and beyond to answer my question when the hospital billing dept ran me around in circles and Guadalupe even took it a step farther and helped me understand how to avoid a higher charge in the future by having my labs done at the lab instead of at urgent care

By: Sara B.

Murray K.

非常感谢 Dr. Murray Kwon 感谢他的团队为我丈夫成功做了搭桥手术. Everything went smoothly and I was kept informed of the procedure's progress.

By: Diana B.

Tamela R.

我要赞美Tamela R. for her relentless effort in securing much needed cancer medication on my behalf. 在听证会上,批准仍在等待中, she went above and beyond expectations to assure my patient care was not compromised. I have been with UCLA for my healthcare 5 years now and the standard of service not only from Tamela who is always kind by getting back to me when I call certainly aligns with the amazing care of my specialists.

By: Leatrice F.

Sohan C.

Maddie's Room的员工非常友好. 随时通知我们病人的情况. Thank you!

By: Yosef F.

Gabriela S.

这篇评论早该发表了. 有人把我介绍给 Dr. 加芙尚德 我的肿瘤医生说的. 我以前的PCP(我爱的人). 埃斯拉格当时正在休产假. 没有PCP我很难接受治疗. I have a very complicated medical history, so I was hesitant about seeing a new physician. 我承认我很挑剔. There was no need to worry, Dr, Sauder was knowledgeable, professional and caring. 她很准时,但我不觉得匆忙. 也不知道她离门只有一步之遥了. She communicates well and answers my questions through the portal with-in the day. 并不是所有的医生都这样. 她对我既尊重又友善.

By: Tina O.


本评论是专门针对 Dr. Daniel Uslan, and Dr. Meher K. 辛哈在韦斯特伍德的传染病科. 我承认,我到的时候很生气. 我花了四个月的时间等待预约,开了一个半小时的车. Then, I was told the doctor 有人把我介绍给 was not there and I would be seeing the "Fellow" (still completing training). 我对前台有点急躁. 他向我保证我会得到很好的照顾,他很有耐心,也很善良. 我不情愿地留下了. LVN的Jon很专业,很有爱心,也很有趣. Silly Me. Dr. 辛格哈太棒了. She took her time, listened to my concerns, had pre-read my consult notes. 她仔细地解释了一切. 然后她咨询了主治医生. Daniel Z. Uslan. He came in and spent another 40 minutes with me and reviewed everything and carefully explained his thoughts. 在拜访过程中,我丈夫发短信告诉我他得了A型流感, 所以他好心给我开了个预防性的处方
Tamiflu. I am very picky about my health care team and I would highly recommend these outstanding physicians.

By: Tina O.


Suua was very attentive to the family and everyone here in the waiting room. His courteous manner and demeanor put us at ease in a very difficult situation for us as a family. 我们遇到的所有员工都非常支持我们. 谢谢你的好意.

By: Yecenia L.

Sohan S.

Sohan was the most thorough and professional person your organization could ask for. 他以最专业的态度代表了自己和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校!!!

By: Kennedy C.

Mr. Tate M.

Mr. 塔特来帮我们打扫卫生的时候我爸爸中风了. 他不仅仅是打扫卫生. 他问我最喜欢的颜色, 然后带回来一个有树的手镯, 代表一个家谱. I still wear this bracelet because it reminds me of his kindness when my family was going through something very difficult. 我的家人仍然有这样的经历,我希望Mr. 让他知道我当时和现在是多么感激他. 谢谢你温暖了我们的心,谢谢你的好意. 我们感谢你!

作者:Nedjatolla L.

Belinda B.

我希望这条消息发现你一切都好. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the outstanding assistance provided by Belinda today.

Belinda went above and beyond in helping me navigate a complex insurance situation. Her compassion, understanding, and most importantly, her empathy were truly remarkable. She actively listened to my concerns and offered words of encouragement that made a significant difference.

Belinda's level of care and dedication to assisting with the insurance matter was exceptional. 她的积极影响在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校得到了很好的体现, and I believe she embodies the qualities that make a service experience truly outstanding.

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge Belinda's outstanding contributions and express my appreciation for having such a compassionate and empathetic individual on your team. People like Belinda contribute greatly to the positive reputation and atmosphere of UCLA.

Thank you for fostering an environment where employees like Belinda can shine and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those they assist.

By: Deborah W.

Christine J.

Want to get recognize to CT tech Christine Johnson at Encino imaging center. Patient had an urgent/emergent finding on CT and she was able to identify on the initial imaging on the scanner. She appropriately called the onsite radiology physician and initiated protocols to get the patient transferred/admitted to the hospital to received urgent surgery. 病人在整个过程中都很稳定和冷静,但犹豫着是否要进行治疗. Patient was not clinically unstable but I feared it was a ticking time bomb. In my opinion, she may have prevented a potentialy bad outcome and possibly saved this patient's life. 给她巨大的荣誉!!

By: donald K.

Diana R.

戴安娜,值班的护士, 她非常关心病人的需要和护理, 甚至对来访的家人也是如此, 她非常友好地提供水或茶. 她的姿态值得称赞,她的专业精神也值得称赞! Her work attitude and gesture of concern to patients and families is what UCLA and the patients and visitors need.

By: Cathy G.

莫妮卡,彼得,凯伦. 麦迪逊,全体职员.

Every staff member and volunteer we have met at UCLA has been professional, kind, knowledgeable, on time, helpful

作者:Michelle B.


在与。合作了10年之后 Dr. Elizabeth Ko, I believe I'm qualified to say she is the best of the best in West Coast Doctors. 总是彻底, and with a memory for even the tiniest details about my family's medical history, 高医生使我们身体健康.. We are handing over the next generation of our family to her care and have the greatest confidence that she will keep them safe.

By: Strath H.

Deb J.

我受到了工作人员的尊重和关心. 他们称呼我为独一无二的客人. 他们很友好,很乐观. I have spent time at UCSF under similar conditions and did not get treated nearly as well.

By: Marc G.

Sohan C.

索汉是前台的工作人员之一. The entire time we were waiting while a family member was having major surgery, 他多次与我们联系以提供有用的信息, 提供有关程序状态的最新情况, 并分享我们对未来几个小时的期待. Sohan helped make what was already a stressful situation into as good of an experience one could possible have. 他代表着皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医学院的骄傲和声望. 谢谢你,sohan! 🙂

By: Tony U.

Ms. K.

出色的术后护理. 善良、安心、专业. 耐心而清晰.

By: Evita C.

Raquel U.

Transport - wonderful attitude, provided safe transport back to our car, caring and warm.

By: Evita C.

Renyl J.

She explained each step in a warm, professional, caring manner, and put my husband at ease. 出色的静脉注射和抽血.

By: Evita C.


感谢医生, nurse, staff member or volunteer who made a positive difference in your patient or employee experience by sending a care compliment.